Undergraduate Scholarship Eligibility and Disbursement Guidelines

  • Scholarship disbursement requires that students maintain continuous, consecutive, full-time (12 or more credits) enrollment each fall and spring semester.
  • Renewable scholarships and one-time scholarships of $1,000+ are split and disbursed evenly each fall and spring semester for a maximum length of time listed in your scholarship offer. Semester disbursements are not stacked or accelerated for reasons such as, but not limited to, early graduation and early departure from the university.
  • Renewable scholarships typically do not need to be re-applied for unless specified in your original scholarship offer. They will automatically disburse to your account each fall and spring semester if you are enrolled in 12 or more credits, meet the academic and major specific requirements for that award, and the scholarship has not yet reached its maximum number of semester disbursements.
  • Renewable scholarships may require specific criteria (i.e., GPA, academic program, financial need) that must be met and maintained to continue receiving the scholarship. Please refer to your original scholarship offer for eligibility requirements.
  • Many scholarships are specific to academic majors. Changing your academic major could result in the loss of your scholarship. Please consult with your academic advisor or NDSU One Stop before changing your academic major.
  • If you are enrolled at multiple institutions, NDSU must be your home institution for your scholarship to disburse.
  • NDSU tuition waivers do not apply to tuition charges from other NDUS institutions for reasons such as, but not limited to, being a Collaborative Student.
  • Your awards may appear in Campus Connection as “non-disbursing.” Please be aware that this notation simply indicates that the award follows a unique process at NDSU and does not mean that you will not receive the award.
  • Students who will not be enrolled in 12 or more credits in the fall or spring semesters for reasons such as medical, military or internship/co-op must submit the Scholarship Appeal/Exception Request Form.